- Perform detailed field development planning
- Deliver well and completion BOD, detailed programmes, equipment identification and time and cost estimation
- Methodical approach taken to data gathering and prioritisation of the data
- Detailed offset well review establishing all pertinent data on the wells drilled in the area
- Implemented elements of the Zenith Well Delivery Process to aid project management of the scope
- Assigned a lean experienced technical team to deliver the wide-ranging scopes in short lead time
- Utilised in-house engineering software and 3rd party specialists to deliver technical elements
- Subsurface complexities such as stratigraphy, pressure gradient and regional geo-mechanic forces
- Multiple design iterations required and wide variance in well types
- Cutting-edge technologies needed to deliver sand face completion requirements
- Delivered 3 drilling BOD, 4 completion BOD, 11 D & C programmes and equipment specifications
- Comprehensive wells time and cost estimation, incorporating field experience, risks and performance improvement plan
- Detailed risk and opportunities matrix established and HSEQ documentation
- Obtained Well Examination approval on design and operational documents