- Identify the relevant design issues and technical criteria
- Screen 17 wells and identify high-ranked candidates
- List technical issues and make suitable recommendations
- Reviewed available well data
- Developed 12 technical criteria
- Screened / ranked the wells and identified most attractive candidates
- Generated conceptual designs for workover and sidetrack options
- Assessed technical issues and made 41 technical recommendations

- External carbonic acid corrosion of existing carbon steel production casing above the production packer – subsurface scenarios and load cases
- Pressure tests on old production casings
- Annulus / formation fluid freezing during CO2 injection transient events
- Wellhead specification
- External corrosion of surface casings and ongoing exposure to aquifer cross flow in sand-prone overburden
- Well architectures and practical hole sizes
- End of CO2 injection abandonment design
- Identified preferred candidates
- Screened out wells with technical walk-away issues
- Framed the issues, risks and areas for further technical work and risk assessment
- 133 page report